
5 Tips for Overcoming Christmas Bloating

5 Tips for Overcoming Christmas Bloating

Christmas time is full of family, celebrations and food. We all chow down on gingerbread men, mince pies and turkey over with our loved ones. It’s fair to call Christmas dinner a bit of a feast – especially if you have the whole family over! So, the last thing you want during this festive time is for bloating to ruin your spirit and leave you feeling like a scrooge. Here are a few tips to help you avoid boating this Christmas.

1. Avoid Carbonated Drinks (Alcoholic ones too!)

Bloating is mostly suspected to be caused by gas being released in the stomach while foods are digesting, so limiting the chances of excess gas is an excellent place to start in minimising the possibility of bloating. Switch out any carbonated drinks for their still counterparts. Or better yet, just have water!

2. Skip the Second Helpings

It should go without saying but skipping as second helping at Christmas dinner is a great way to avoid bloating or general discomfort. Overeating is a common cause of intestinal discomfort, yet it is the most controllable cause. You can always have the leftovers later!

3. Eat Slowly

Our parents weren’t wrong when they were nagging us to slow down at the dinner table. Eating slowly can help you avoid bloating by making you less likely to swallow extra air. That excess air is what causes bloating in the stomach. So eating slowly instead of rapidly gulping your meals makes you more likely to only swallow your food, eliminating the main cause of bloating and post-feast abdominal discomfort.

4. Avoid Known Problem Foods

If there are a few foods that you know don’t agree with you then it’s always wise to avoid them. Foods that you’re intolerant to won’t care that it’s the holiday season, they’ll cause havoc in your gut regardless.

5. Check for Food Intolerances

It may be a little too late to get yourself tested for food intolerances before Christmas now, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t bother at all food intolerances can cause many uncomfortable and embarrassing symptoms. From bloating and stomach-ache, to diarrhoea or even constipation. There are also several non-digestive symptoms that can crop up due to food intolerance, such as eczema, fatigue and migraines.

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