Food Sensitivities and allergies are on the rise. According to some research, 25% of the globe is now intolerant to at least one food, and reported intolerances jumped 5% in the last decade. It’s hard to ignore. We’ve all got a friend who is gluten-free or dairy-free, who can’t eat eggs or finds eating shellfish brings them out in hives. Rarely do we consider ourselves, however.
In fact, if you regularly feel bloated, tired, or get headaches, you may have a food sensitivity without realising it. You need a food sensitivity test.
What is a Food Sensitivity?
Let’s quickly define our terms:
There’s a lot of confusion between food sensitivities and food allergies. A food Sensitivity is a reaction to eating food that does not involve the immune system. A food allergy, on the other hand, involves an immune reaction, as the body wrongly identifies the food as a hostile substance.
Food sensitivities can range from a missing enzyme (think lactose intolerance) to increased sensitivity to certain substances (e.g., caffeine).
Classic Symptoms of Food Sensitivity
Symptoms can occur hours to days after consuming the offending food, making identifying it harder. Here are some classic symptoms of food sensitivity:
Digestive issues, e.g., gas, diarrhoea, bloating, stomach cramps, or constipation
Skin problems, e.g., eczema or hives
Migraines or headaches
Runny nose or congestion
Mood changes.
Weight gain
Joint pain
What is Food Sensitivity Testing?Did you know 25% of the globe is now intolerant
In a non-allergic nutshell, food sensitivity testing examines a hair sample for key indicators of sensitivities. While no test is 100% accurate, they’re highly accurate and can help narrow down the possible candidates behind your cryptic symptoms.
That’s helpful when pursuing an elimination diet. This involves removing foods, one by one, to identify the cause of your symptoms of your food sensitivity. Without a clear starting point, a person can face a dizzying choice between hundreds of potential culprits, from eggs to dairy to alcohol.
7 Benefits of Food Sensitivity Testing
1. Identify Mysterious Symptoms
Get recurrent headaches? Feel tired without any reason? Whether it’s an unusual ache or the constant feeling of flu, food sensitivity testing can peel back the curtain on a possible sensitivity or allergy. Often the results are miraculous – like a pebble in your shoe, the culprit could hobble you for years without realising. Once removed, you find yourself healthier, happier, and more aware.
2. Modify Your Diet
Getting tested is the first step in modifying your diet. Our Ultimate Individual Test provides a percentage score of sensitivity to each substance. Based on these results, you can decide how to modify your diet accordingly.
These results also allow you to compensate for any nutritional deficiencies as you pursue an elimination diet, e.g., adding calcium sources if eliminating dairy products.
3. Get Rapid Results
Here at Sensitivity Check, after receiving your sample, we’ll email you a thorough breakdown of your results in 3-5 working days, or we can notify you in our app.
There’s no need to wait. You can transform your life and begin to make long-lasting changes in less than a week. Don’t put up with the symptoms of food sensitivities a moment longer than necessary.
4. Improve Your Longevity
Food sensitivities and allergies often put the body in a heightened inflammatory state. Inflammation ravenously consumes the body’s scarce resources, causing ageing, psychological stress, and precipitating other chronic diseases.
Removing the cause of inflammation not only allows the body to heal but also promotes longevity. As one study succinctly stated, “ageing is characterised by systemic chronic inflammation.” Reduce inflammation, and the body wears slower and lasts longer.
5. Know Your Body
Knowing what your body likes and dislikes, how it responds, and what to avoid is critical to maintaining a healthy state. Never take it for granted that you can eat what you like. Armed with the right knowledge, you can make smarter decisions, forestalling ill health and tailoring your diet and lifestyle to you.
6. Screen for Multiple Sensitivities
Most food sensitivity tests don’t just test for one sensitivity. In fact, our most popular test measures 975 sensitivities. While around a quarter of us are sensitive to one substance, it’s not uncommon for other substances to also cause problems.
In a single test, you can reveal multiple Achilles’ heels holding you back from wellness and vitality. And it doesn’t take a day longer to test for everything than for just one sensitivity.
7. Feel Healthier and Happier
Nothing feels better than being in control of your health. Chronic inflammation is the principal cause behind most of the sicknesses and diseases individuals struggle with as they age. Indeed, 3 out of 5 people globally die from chronic inflammatory diseases like heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. Tackling the underlying cause is the first step towards feeling happier and healthier.
Don’t let food sensitivities hold you back. Discover your body’s unique sensitivities and start your journey towards a healthier, happier life with our comprehensive food sensitivity test. Act now; feel better.