
How to Relieve IBS Pain Instantly

How to Relieve IBS Pain Instantly

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can be a highly discomforting condition, causing stomach ache, cramps, bloating, and changes in bowel habits. Stomach pain, in particular, can be persistent, severely undermining a person’s quality of life.

Alleviating IBS-related pain is difficult, as patients usually don’t get relief from a single medication. Applying heat, drinking tea, and practising relaxation techniques are just some of the potential strategies to manage pain. However, a selection of different strategies is often needed to provide continual relief.

Learn how to provide short- and long-term relief from your IBS symptoms – including identifying and testing for the condition – in the guide below.

Identifying IBS Symptoms
You can’t relieve IBS pain if you aren’t even sure if you have IBS. So, let’s begin by establishing the basic symptoms to look for.

Irritable bowel syndrome shouldn’t be confused with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) – a much more serious condition. IBS refers to a group of intestinal symptoms that tend to occur together. The severity and duration of the symptoms vary from person to person.

Common IBS symptoms include:

1.Abdominal Pain and Cramping. One of the most common symptoms of IBS is often relieved after a bowel movement. This pain can be widespread or localised in one area and varies in intensity.
2.Bloating and Gas. Many individuals with IBS report feeling bloated, which can be uncomfortable and sometimes accompanied by visible abdominal distension.
3.Diarrhoea or Constipation. People with IBS may experience either predominantly diarrhoea (IBS-D), predominantly constipation (IBS-C), or an alternating pattern of both (IBS-M for mixed). The stool consistency and frequency may also vary dramatically.
4.Changes in Bowel Movement Patterns. This includes not only the consistency and frequency of bowel movements but also changes in the ease or difficulty of passing stool and the sensation of incomplete evacuation after a bowel movement.
5.Mucus in the Stool. The presence of clear or white mucus in the stool is common in IBS, indicating irritation or inflammation in the intestines.
6.Urgency to Use the Bathroom. A sudden, strong urge to have a bowel movement, which may be difficult to control and, in some cases, can lead to incontinence.
The underlying cause of the condition remains unknown. However, some risk factors may include exposure to antibiotics, anxiety or depression, contracting food poisoning, and somatic symptom disorder.

Getting Tested
Diagnosing the condition is a challenge. Usually, a doctor will make a diagnosis based on your symptoms. However, they may perform a few tests, such as a stool sample, blood test, or colonoscopy, to rule out other potential causes.

Because IBS is often triggered by certain foods, including high-FODMAP foods, dairy products, fruit foods, caffeinated beverages, and more, testing for food sensitivities can provide helpful information. Helping to relieve symptoms through an elimination diet (see below).

We advise using our Individual Ultimate Test. It’s specifically designed to assess your likelihood of developing a food sensitivity.

Simply use the kit to send a hair sample to our lab. We’ll then perform an analysis and send you a report detailing your percentage likelihood of a sensitivity for 975 items, including foodstuffs and environmental factors. Based on these results, you can target your elimination diet to identify the culprit.

How to Relieve IBS Pain InstantlyFoods that can trigger IBS
Immediate IBS Pain Relief Tips
Sometimes, IBS pain occurs out of nowhere. While a long-term approach will help minimise such flare-ups, right there and then, you need an immediate solution. Next time you feel stomach pain or cramps try these home remedies:

  • Apply Heat. Place a warm heating pad or hot water bottle on your abdomen. The warmth can help relax the muscles in your gut, reducing cramping and pain.
  • Peppermint Oil. Peppermint oil capsules are known to relax the muscles of your intestines, which might ease the spasms that contribute to pain and discomfort.
  • Hydrate. Drinking warm or hot fluids, especially herbal teas like peppermint or ginger tea, can soothe the digestive system and provide immediate relief.
  • Practice Deep Breathing or Meditation. Stress can exacerbate IBS symptoms. Engaging in stress-reducing activities like deep breathing exercises or meditation can provide instant relief by relaxing your body and reducing the stress response.
  • Gentle Exercise. Light activities like walking or yoga can stimulate normal intestinal contractions, which may help ease pain and improve bowel function.
    In addition, if the symptoms persist, try over-the-counter antispasmodics and pain relievers for quick relief. Speak to your doctor if you find yourself using such relief methods frequently.

Strategic Advice for Long-Term Pain Relief
Of course, short-term solutions are just that, short-term. For a more persistent fix, you need to get at the underlying causes. IBS seems to have a few components, including trigger foods, our emotional state, and even gut bacteria.

Here are a few strategies to get you started:

  • Identify and Avoid Trigger Foods. Keeping a food diary can help identify foods that trigger your symptoms. Common culprits include high-FODMAP foods, dairy, and fried foods.
  • Fiber Intake. Gradually increasing fibre intake can help manage constipation. However, if you have IBS-D, you might need to be cautious with fibre as it can exacerbate symptoms.
  • Regular Exercise. Regular, moderate exercise can improve bowel function and reduce stress, both of which can help alleviate IBS symptoms over time.
  • Stress Management. Since stress can trigger IBS symptoms, finding effective ways to manage stress, such as through therapy, mindfulness, or relaxation techniques, can provide long-term benefits.
  • Probiotics. Some people find that taking probiotics can help balance gut bacteria and reduce IBS symptoms. Consult with a healthcare provider to find the right type and dose.
    We hope these strategies and remedies soothe your stomach pain. But alongside these tips for how to relieve IBS pain instantly, you’ll still want to get tested for a food sensitivity. Try out our Individual Ultimate Test today!
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