
The Benefits of Food Intolerance Testing

The Benefits of Food Intolerance Testing

Food intolerance testing has been pushed into the mainstream recently. And with so many people throughout the UK suffering from chronic diseases and more research than ever looking into the effect of the diet on health, it’s no wonder. We’ve become more knowledgeable about food intolerances and sensitivities in recent years, and testing for them has come a long way. Why? Because these intolerances can have a marked impact on our health and wellbeing.

There are several ways that a food intolerance can impact our health, and it’s important that we stay on top of our own health and wellness. 


The Impact of food intolerances

Digestive health

Food intolerances are when our body struggles to properly digest a certain food item. This can cause a build-up of that item within the digestive tract, prevent proper absorption of nutrients and even create a gas build-up in the stomach. 

This all effects out microbiome (or, the balance of bacteria in our gut), and our intestinal environment is vital to our general health and wellbeing. Researchers are in agreement that a gut bacteria imbalance can cause several diseases [1]. And it only makes sense considering that the guts main responsibility is to regulate our immune system.


Chronic Inflammation

We all know of a few things that can cause inflammation, like being overweight, not getting enough exercise, or consuming foods that you’re allergic to. But most don’t realise that consuming foods that you are intolerant or sensitive to could also cause inflammation. 

Inflammation is a perfectly normal immune response, but when that inflammation becomes chronic, it can lead to all kinds of health issues. 3 out of 5 people die worldwide from chronic inflammatory diseases such as heart disorders, cancer, obesity, stroke and diabetes. The world health Organisation has ranked chronic diseases as the greatest threat to human health, as they are the most significant cause of death in the world [2]

The good news is that there are measures we can all take to lower our inflammation. A well-balanced diet, regular (not too vigorous) exercise and avoiding foods that may cause inflammation can all go a long way to preventing these diseases.


Otherwise unexplained symptoms

Lastly, the most obvious way that a food intolerance can impact our health is through the symptoms they can produce. Common food intolerance symptoms include bloating, brain fog, headaches and nausea. These are common in many illnesses and conditions, but they aren’t indicative of a healthy individual. If you are experiencing symptoms such as these regularly with no other explanation, it may be that a food intolerance is to blame. 

Luckily food sensitivity testing can help you identify which food items may be causing your symptoms, allowing you to get rid of them once and for all. 


Take the stress away with food intolerance testing

It can be stressful to be constantly experiencing symptoms with no known cause, and constant stress can weaken your immune system and increase your risk of developing various diseases [3]. It’s also not good for your mental wellbeing to be fearful of developing these symptoms every time you sit down for a meal. 

Taking the stress away with a food intolerance test can enable you to make the necessary changes to your diet and get back to a healthier, happier you. You’ll regain control of your diet and know exactly what you should avoid so you can keep those annoying symptoms at bay. 


Final Thoughts

Planning what you eat can go a long way to outlining your future healthy lifestyle. Food intolerance testing can tell you exactly the dos and don’ts of what should you be eating. By planning ahead, you can let hosts, chefs, and friends know what you can and can’t eat when you go out. Put your worries to one side with an intolerance test and look forward to a happier and healthier future.



[1] Zhang, Y.-J., Li, S., Gan, R.-Y., Zhou, T., Xu, D.-P. and Li, H.-B. (2015). Impacts of Gut Bacteria on Human Health and Diseases. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, [online] 16(12), pp.7493–7519. Available at: [Accessed 5 Mar. 2020].

[2] Pahwa, R., Amandeep Goyal, Pankaj Bansal and Ishwarlal Jialal (2020). Chronic Inflammation. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Mar. 2020].

[3] Yaribeygi, H., Panahi, Y., Sahraei, H., Johnston, T.P. and Sahebkar, A. (2017). The impact of stress on body function: A review. EXCLI journal, [online] 16, pp.1057–1072. Available at: [Accessed 5 Mar. 2020]

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