
Can a Food Sensitivity Test Help my Acne?

Can a Food Sensitivity Test Help my Acne?

A part of puberty many of us hated was the way our skin had the...
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How does a food sensitivity test work?

How does a food sensitivity test work?

We get a lot of questions here at sensitivity check about our sensitivity (or intolerance) testing. Among...
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Gluten-Free Oaty Bites Recipe

Gluten-Free Oaty Bites Recipe

If you’ve recently taken a sensitivity test and found out that you’re sensitive or allergic to gluten,...
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Benefits of a Gluten Free Diet

Benefits of a Gluten Free Diet

coeliacs’, and those who are gluten intolerant are bound to a strict gluten-free diet. This demands a...
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Food Allergy Tests Explained

Food Allergy Tests Explained

Understanding your bodies requirements is vital to taking care of yourself. As with most things...
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5 Common food sensitivity symptoms

5 Common food sensitivity symptoms

It’s not easy to spot a food sensitivity, especially nowadays with many of our meals...
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7 Tips for avoiding a bloated stomach

7 Tips for avoiding a bloated stomach

Bloating is one of the most common symptoms our customers report. But common doesn’t mean...
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How do you get around a dairy intolerance?

How do you get around a dairy intolerance?

What is fortified milk? Are there any benefits and uses to drink it? If you...
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Benefits of a Healthy Diet

Benefits of a Healthy Diet

There’s a lot of content out there already about the reasons why you should be...
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Why am I always tired?

Why am I always tired?

Could you be suffering from fatigue? We’ve all been there when the feeling of tiredness...
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What’s causing your symptoms?

What’s causing your symptoms?

Stop your pain with Sensitivity Check. It sounds easy, and it can be with an...
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Identifying and managing your dairy intolerance

Identifying and managing your dairy intolerance

If you are struggling with symptoms similar to stomach issues like bloat, nausea or headaches...
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